
The full range of Mathematics courses is offered at Domremy College from Years 7 to 12.  The syllabus for Years 7 and 8 emphasises activities with concrete aids, which will help to develop problem solving abilities.  This provides a foundation on which further Maths can be built in following years. Calculators will be used from Year 7 onwards and, according to the Board of Studies guidelines, will become an integral component of every lesson.

The Board of Studies syllabus documents for Stage 4 (Years 7 & 8) and Stage 5 (Years 9 & 10) place a great emphasis on the students understanding the mathematics they are studying, which would enable them to apply this knowledge to real situations.

In Stage 5, Mathematics differentiates into three pathways along a continuum. Course 5.1 is the core course which all students should complete. The first extension pathway is Course 5.2, which many students will also complete. The 5.3 Course involves the completion of work in Course 5.1 and Course 5.2 as well as the additional Course 5.3 work.

It is the aim of the Mathematics department to:

  • provide an interesting, stimulating, challenging course of study for all students;
  • provide students with the necessary skills, or give them a foundation which can be built on, to solve mathematically based problems in their later life;
  • adequately prepare students for the further study of Maths.