Student Leadership
Domremy College has a strong tradition of student leadership. Our Student Leadership system provides girls with leadership training and skill development as well as opportunities to experience positions of responsibility.
College Captain and Vice Captain - The Year 12 Senior Leadership Team is led by the College Captain and Vice Captain.
House Captains - are appointed to assist the College Captain and Vice Captain in the student leadership and organisation of the school with a focus of promoting School Spirit and House Spirit.
Prefects - Twelve Prefects are appointed to assist the College Executive and other staff as well as the College Captain and Vice Captain in the leadership and organisation of the school. Each Prefect is assigned a portfolio to oversee such as Social Justice, Environment and Liturgy.
Student Representative Council (SRC) - In addition to the Year 12 Leadership Team, each Homeroom elects its own representatives to the Student Representative Council (SRC). One junior and one senior student is elected in Term 4 of each year to be the SRC’s. These students assist their Homeroom teacher, represent their Homeroom at SRC meetings and assist in organising events within the school.