College Counsellor

Domremy College Counselling Service - for all Year 7 to 12 Students

We recognise the inextricable link between well being and successful lifelong learning. As part of our commitment to see our girls reach their full potential we offer a counselling service to all students.

Counselling aims to support the needs of each student in an holistic way. At Domremy, attention is paid to students' physical, psychological, spiritual, social, cognitive, family, cultural and academic needs.  

The counselling service is free, confidential and professional. Our College Counsellors are trained professionals able to respond to the range of personal and educational needs of adolescents and young people. The Counsellor works under a code of professional conduct and practice and will maintain confidentiality while ensuring the safety of the young person.

Referral to the Counsellor

Seeing the Counsellor is voluntary and students may choose to participate - Students may refer themselves or may be referred by: a familly member, friends, other students, a school/staff member or community member. The counselling approach and style will vary and be responsive to the specific needs and circumstances unique to each student.

Out of respect for the teaching and learning process and to ensure student duty of care, the Counsellor will write a note in the student’s diary to be signed off by the class teacher on the day. Ongoing appointment times will alternate across subject areas with each session being no longer than a class period. Teachers may ask the Counsellor to re-schedule appointments if necessary.

No problem is too small or too big that it cannot be talked about with a trusted adult. Having a significant trusted adult to talk with can make a difference. That person may be a grandparent, parent, family friend, sports coach or school assistant. The Counsellor is one of many adults who students may choose to talk with.

It takes a community to raise a child. The counselling process recognises the importance of working with the students’ family and other significant adults as appropriate.

In person - Students may come to the Counsellor’s room to talk, or post a note through the door.    

By email


By phone - Call the College on 9712 2133

Individual Counselling

A focus of the Counsellor’s role is to listen and talk with students about any aspect of their lives that they wish to discuss in private, and may include;

  • Making and keeping friends: friendship groups, being included /excluded
  • Peer girl/boy relationships, interpersonal communication, peer pressure
  • Family relationships, communication, separation, divorce, care for a family member
  • School - changing schools, leaving school, homework, study, organization, motivation
  • Loss, bereavement and change: moving house, loss of ability, illness, loss of a loved one
  • Health, wellness, self and body image, sleep, eating, drugs e.g., tobacco and alcohol
  • Feelings and emotions - anxiety, loneliness, physical changes, puberty, depression, habits
  • Safety, security and self protection - internet use, put downs, bullying, unwanted attention
  • Behaviour, mood regulation, sadness, anger, withdrawal, lashing out, impulsivity
  • Self worth - ability, differences, interests, ambitions, goals
  • Information, advice, advocacy re: work rights, study schemes, access to resources.                                   

Referral, Advocacy, Liaison and Information Service – The Counsellor also provides a range of referral, information and support options, related to other allied, education, health and community services.

The College Counsellor welcomes your enquiries. Early intervention and support is always preferable.